Cuba Gooding Jr. settles sex abuse lawsuit on eve of trial

 Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. has settled a lawsuit accusing him of sexual abuse on the eve of his trial. The lawsuit was filed by a woman who alleged that Gooding had groped her at a New York City bar in 2018. The terms of the settlement have not been disclosed.

Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. has reached a settlement over accusations that he raped a woman a New York hotel, according to court records reported by the Associated Press on Tuesday, averting a trial that was to begin the same day.

Gooding, who won an Academy Award for his role in the 1996 film "Jerry Maguire," was originally charged with forcible touching and sexual abuse in the third degree. He pleaded not guilty to the charges and maintained his innocence throughout the legal proceedings. The trial was set to begin on April 21, 2020, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The case was eventually settled out of court, and the charges against Gooding were dropped.

The settlement comes after at least 30 women accused Gooding of sexual misconduct, including allegations of groping and making unwanted advances. Gooding has denied all of the allegations.

The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but Gooding's lawyer said in a statement that the actor is "pleased to have this matter behind him and looks forward to moving on."

Gooding's career has been impacted by the allegations, with several projects being put on hold or canceled. He has also faced backlash from fans and critics alike.

The settlement marks the end of a long legal battle for Gooding, who has maintained his innocence throughout the process. It remains to be seen how this will impact his career and public image going forward.

Emad Salam Ali
By : Emad Salam Ali
Emad Salam Ali is a professional journalist since 2016, a media graduate from Iraq University, a technology expert, a media consultant and a member of the International Organization of Journalists - a member of the fact-checking team at Meta Company. He writes in the fields of entertainment, art, science and technology, and believes that the pen can change everything.

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